“Wild doesn’t even begin to describe how much fun it was to be in the crowd and experience the power of Carla.”
-BeautyStyleWatch Magazine
“She’s a human five-hour energy drink.”
-Sirius XM Radio
“The entire room of 500 people leapt to their feet in a standing ovation. I think we got the right host!”
-JP Gladu, President & CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
“Collins has mastered the art of blending sensitive gender and cultural sensibilities into honest, shrewd, and hilarious comedy.”
-The Huffington Post
“Like any skillful comic, Carla has a keen eye for the ironic things in life and she’s able to turn our everyday human quirks and flaws into bellyachingly funny stories.”
-The Huffington Post
“Canada’s Tina Fey.” The National Post
“Carla’s talks are hysterical, heartfelt, intelligent and quirky but always impact her audience with their ultimately uplifting and inspirational message. Her storytelling is masterful and her knowledge of current events, pop culture and politics is second to none.”
-Huffington Post
“Her brand of self-deprecating, brutally honest humour had the packed room howling.”
-Xtra Magazine
“The night is a flurry of one-liners, sharp impersonations, rapid-fire antics and wisecracks. Quite simply, Carla Collins is not to be missed.”
-Xtra Magazine
“With punchlines as captivating as her tanlines, Carla Collins is a comedy pistol, shooting from the lip with each rapid-fire quip.”
-Sandro Monetti, BBC
“For ninety minutes, the pretty lady kept her sold-out crowd roaring. Carla slayed it.”
“The Queen of Comedy.”
-Flare Magazine
“Not just the best female comedian, the best comedian period.”
-Langdon Nation Radio
“Smart, witty, inspirational and unbelievably funny.”
-Ron Sargent, CEO, Staples
“Book her and buckle in.”
-Mercedes De Castro, CEO, Contact